Adopt - A - Child For 2020

Dear Donor Volunteer, 

Thank you for inquiring about volunteering to adopt-a-child or family for Christmas.  The Angel Wings Ministries Secret Santa Project has been in action helping families at Christmas for 21 years.

We will send you information on the children which have been selected to receive help from you.  We recommend a budget of approximately $75.00 - $100.00 per child. Those of you who are super shoppers know how to make it happen for even less.

These are items we suggest you purchase as part of your child’s items: 

Infants, toddlers and Elementary children

We ask that you purchase undershirts, underwear, socks, an outfit (top, bottom etc.), hats, gloves. For infants we suggest a case of disposal diapers.  Other items such as books, puzzles, toys etc.

Middle School and High School Students

No electronic items are recommended . Suggestions are underclothes, socks, clothes, gift cards

(Game Stop, Wal-Mart’s, Targets etc.), toiletry items (gift sets), hats, gloves, watches, basketballs,

footballs, items that teenagers would appreciate .

If you need suggestions please call us.

Please bring the gifts unwrapped to:

(Gift dropoff location and dates: TBA)

on ________________ and _________________

between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm where we can wrap them and arrange for delivery.

In cases where there are several children in the family and the children have been divided up among

various donors we would like to assess the various gifts to ensure that the children receive comparable

amount of gifts.

Thank you again so much for your desire to Adopt-A-Child for 2020 Secret Santa. We

appreciate your generosity and pray God’s continued blessings on you.

Please call for additional information at 410 982-7647 or email

us at . We will respond to your questions or concerns as quickly as possible.